unknown's arm... di ako makadiskarte sa sun.. ^_^
"I would have been healthier for you. Not a drug; I would have been the air, the sun"
~Jacob on Eclipse
Who among you have not been hit by the waves of “twilight saga”?
I won’t raise my hand.
Before the movie was released a friend told me about this book because it’s “a must read kind of a book”. I was about to have the book in exchange of the commissioned work I’ve done. The sad thing is, it was out of stock. I don’t have any choice but to read it on screen… pdf. ;)) [you know what I mean.. I also have the audiobook]
We got this ticket from our Tita in our church, who is not into this kind of movie.
Here’s the link of the Mtv and the English version of the song. Mtv song
*I’ve tried surfing for the lyrics of this song but I found none. So I decided to look for the tape [Something More: Song for Skeptics] I had while I was in college and it has a copy of the lyrics.
Being born having a congenital sweet tooth I can’t resist making some desserts for the indulgence of our new year. It wasn’t my first time to make a ref cake but this is another experiment with the strawberry flavor because I added a “raspberry” gelatin powder [just to add more berry berry taste] and a bottle of strawberry jam.
Just found a new software that can produce a Poloroid-like images… it’s was amazing! You just have to drag the photo to the “polaroid icon” then walaa… You have your own pseudo Polaroid pic.. it is printable too!
If you want to try it… download the free software on this site: www.poladroid.net
Today “we” are celebrating the feast of epiphany or the feast of the three wise men. They were the men who journeyed to see the Messiah in
Our Stars… and on getting lost.
Sometimes no matter how eager we are to follow the rules and no matter how we tried to walk in the right track still we get lost. We have tried so hard to follow the stars, but then…
In those personal catastrophes, when no one is lighting our path and we thought no one is lighting it we felt so miserable... helpless… But in those instances when we thought we’re in the abyss of darkness we just forget that the star is still there... lighting our path.. Waiting for us to stand up again after we fell on our knees and follow it just like what the three Magi did who continued the journey despite of everything.
As the writer of the Impossible Dream said:
“This is my quest… to follow the stars.. no matter how hopeless no matter how far…”
*I never thought this lyric is somewhat a religious and at the same time political.